Dottie - The Inspiration Behind Spotty Dog Treat Co.

🐶 Dottie, our 3 year old Border Collie/Kelpie mix, is a freckled cutie with a true toy obsession. Her spotted tummy, nose, and toes add to her lovable charm! 🐶
🎾 One of Dottie's most endearing traits is her unwavering dedication to her favorite toy. She will go to great lengths and show off her impressive problem-solving skills just to get her paws on it! She will patiently wait for hours for anyone to throw her toy, as fetch is her favorite game 🎾
⛰️ Our girl may take some time to warm up to you, but once she does, her love knows no bounds. With patience and understanding, she will reveal her true nature - a big heart as pure as Montana’s blue skies 🏔️
🐑 One of the things Dottie enjoys most is herding our kiddos as they play, running circles around them. With a playful spirit, she takes on the role of guardian, ensuring that her humans are safe and sound 🐑
💖 Dottie is always up for the next adventure, or just as easily lays by our side while we relax. With a love for peanut butter, couch cuddles, and the simple pleasure of inhaling snowflakes, Dottie, our spotty dog, embodies all that is good and wholesome in this world 💖
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